VEICHI (Suzhou VEICHI Electric Co., Ltd.) - современная высокотехнологичная компания, по производству компонентов для промышленной автоматизации.

VEICHI  преобразователи частоты и контроллеры автоматизации PLC самого высокого качества. 

VEICHI имеет 103 патента.

В 2020 года VEICHI была зарегистрирована как компания с долей А в совете научно-технических инноваций Шанхайской фондовой биржи (код акции: 688698)

таблица сравнения характеристик VEICHI AC10 и AC310




Напряжение, В

220, 400

220, 400, 690

Мощность, кВт



Режим работы


Нормальный, тяжелый

Перегрузочная способность

1-фазные: 150% - 20 с, 180% - 0,5 с.
3-фазные: 150% - 60 с, 180% - 5 с, 200% - 0,5 с

Нормальный режим: 120% - 60 с, 140% - 10 с, 150% - 0,5 с
Тяжелый режим: 150% - 60 с, 180% - 10 с, 200% - 0,5 с

Выходная частота, Гц



Частота ШИМ, кГц





Асинхронней, синхронные


RS485 ModBus RTU

RS485 ModBus RTU

Степень защиты



ЭМС фильтр



Панель управления

Встроенная, с потенциометром

Встроенная, с потенциометром


S-рампа разгона и торможения, спящий режим, защита от перегрева, 2 ПИД регулятора, подхват на лету, счетчики, таймеры

S-рампа разгона и торможения, спящий режим, защита от перегрева, 2 ПИД регулятора, подхват на лету, счетчики, таймеры


1 аналоговый вход, 4 дискретных входа, 1 аналоговый выход, 1 дискретный выход, 1 реле

2 аналоговых входа, 5 дискретных входов, 1 аналоговый выход, 1 дискретный выход, 1 реле


Недоступны, кроме выносных панелей

Расширение вх/вых, инкрементальный энкодеры TTL, резольверы, Profibus, Profinet, CANopen, выносные панели

Фильтр подбора
Сортировать по:
Артикул: KBD10-15
В наличии 8 шт.
1 800 Р
Артикул: KBD300-25
В наличии 12 шт.
3 956 Р
Артикул: AC300-PG01
В наличии 6 шт.
6 750 Р
Артикул: AC300IO1
В наличии 1 шт.
8 344 Р
Артикул: AC300DP01
В наличии 2 шт.
24 382 Р
Артикул: BU30-3-075
Напряжение, В380
В наличии 3 шт.
33 931 Р
В наличии 2 шт.
146 926 Р
В наличии 1 шт.
208 440 Р

Каталог Брошюра Veichi AC10 рус

Мануал Руководство по вводу в эксплуатацию VEICHI AC10

AC10 Technical manual англ

Каталог Брошюра Veichi AC310 рус

Мануал  Руководство пользователя преобразователя частоты серии AC310 

AC310 Technical manual англ

Характеристики  преобразователя частоты VEICHI AC310

Встроенные панели VECHI


Power level Single phase 220V 50/60Hz 0.75kW - 220kW
Three phase 220V 50/60Hz; 0.75kW - 220kW
Three phase 380V 50/60Hz 0.75kW - 710kW
Input Voltage,frequency Single phase :220V 50/60Hz;Three phase: 220V 50/60Hz; Three phase 380V 50/60Hz , 
Allowed fluctuation range voltage unbalance rate:<3%; Frequency:±5%; aberration rate: as IEC61800-2 required 
Switching impulse current Lower than rated current 
Power factor ≥0.94(with DC reactor) 
Frequency inverter efficiency ≥96% 
Output Output voltage Output under rated condition: 3 phase, 0~input voltage, deviation<5% 
Output frequency range G type:0~600Hz 
Output frequency accuracy Max frequency ±0.5% 
Overload capacity  G type: 150% rated current/1 min, 180% rated current/10s, 200% rated current/0.5s P type: 120% rated current/1 min, 140% rated current/10s, 150% rated current/0.5s 
Main Control performancMain Control performance  Motor type  Three-phase asynchronous motor; Permanent magnet synchronous motor (sine wave) 
Control mode  V/F control, Open loop vector control, Closed loop vector control 
Modulation Optimizing Space Voltage Vector PWM Modulation 
Carrier frequency  1.0~16.0kHz 
Speed control range  VC without PG: rated load 1:100;  VC with PG: rated load 1:1000 
Steady speed  VC without PG: ≤2% rated synchronized speed; VC with PG: ≤0.05% rated synchronized speed 
Starting torque  VC without PG: 150% rated torque at 0.5Hz; VC with PG: 0Hz, 200% rated torque at 0Hz 
Torque response  VC without PG:<20ms; VC with PG: <10ms 
Frequency accuracy  Digital setting: max frequency×±0.01%; Analog setting: max frequency×±0.2% 
Frequency resolution  Digital setting: 0.01Hz; Analog setting: max frequency×0.05% 
Basic functions  Torque control  Torque setting calculation, torque mode speed limit
DC braking capacity  Starting frequency:0.00~50.00Hz; Braking time:0.0~60.0s; Braking current:0.0~150.0% rated 
Torque boost  Automatic torque boost 0.0%~100.0%; Manual torque boost 0.0%~30.0% 
V/F curve  Four modes: linear torque characteristic curve, self-set V/F curve, torque reduction characteristic curve (1.1 to 2.0 power), square V/F curve 
Acceleration/Deceler ation curve  2 modes: linear Acceleration/Deceleration and S curve Acceleration/Deceleration. 4 sets of ACC/DEC, time unit 0.01s selectable, longest time: 650.00s. 
Automatic voltage adjustment When the voltage fluctuates, the output voltage is automatically maintained
Automatic energy-saving operation Automatically optimize output voltage according to load in V/F control mode to achieve energy-saving operation
Rated output voltage  Using the power supply voltage compensation function, the rated voltage of the motor is 100%, which can be set within the range of 50 to 100% (the output cannot exceed the input voltage) 
Voltage While power supply voltage fluctuates, it can auto-keep constant output voltage. 
Auto energy-saving running  While under V/F control mode, according to load situation, auto-optimize output voltage to save energy. 
Auto-limit current Auto-limit the current while running to prevent over current break trouble. 
Instant power off  Uninterrupted operation through bus voltage control during instantaneous power loss.
Standard functions  PID control, speed track, power off restart, jump frequency, upper/lower frequency limit control, program operation, multi- speed, RS485, analog output, frequency impulse output. 
Frequency setting channels  Keyboard digital setting, Analog voltage/current terminal AI1, Analog voltage/current terminal AI2, Communication given and multi-channel terminal selection, Main and auxiliary channel combination, expansion card, supporting different modes switch
Feedback input channel  Voltage/Current Terminal AI1, Voltage/Current Terminal AI12, Communication given, Low-speed pulse input PUL, extension card 
Running command  Operation panel given, external terminal given, communication given, expansion card given 
Input command signal  Start, stop, FWD/REV, JOG, multi-step speed, free stop, reset, ACC/DEC time selection, frequency given channel selection, external fault alarm. 
External output signal  1 relay output, 1 collector output, 1 AO output: 0~10V output or 4~20mA output 
Protection functions Overvoltage, under-voltage, current limit, over-current, overload, electric thermal relay, overheat, overvoltage stall, data protection, rapid speed protection, input/output phase failure protection 
Keyboard LED display Built-in keyboard: single line 5- digital tube display  monitor 1 inverter status quantity 
display External keyboard: double line 5- digital tube display  Monitor 2 inverter status quantities 
  Copy of parameters Can upload and download the function code information of the frequency inverter to achieve fast copy of parameters
  Status monitor Output frequency, given frequency, output current, input voltage, output voltage, motor speed, PID feedback, PID given value, module temperature etc. monitor parameters.  
  Error alarm  Over-voltage, under-voltage, over-current, short circuit, phase failure, overload, overheat, overvoltage stall, current limit, or Data protection compromised, current fault health, historical fault record.
Surroundings Install place  The altitude is less than 1000 meters, and the derating is more than 1000 meters. The derating is 1% for every 100 meters. No condensation, icing, rain, snow, hail, etc., solar radiation is less than 700W/m2, air pressure 70~106kPa 
Temperature, humidity -10 ~ +50°C, derating can be used above 40 °C, the maximum temperature is 60 °C (no-load operation), 5%~95%RH(no condensation) 
Vibration 9~200Hz, 5.9m/s2(0.6g)
Storage temperature -30~+60℃
Installation mode Wall hanging 
Protection degree  IP20
Cooling method Forced air cooling


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